

1. **滋补强壮**:雪蛤含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物质和多种维生素,具有滋补强壮、增强免疫力的作用。

2. **美容养颜**:雪蛤中的生物活性物质可以促进皮肤细胞的新陈代谢,延缓衰老,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。

3. **调节内分泌**:雪蛤对于调节女性内分泌有很好的效果,可以帮助缓解更年期综合症、月经不调等问题。

4. **抗疲劳**:雪蛤中的营养成分可以增强体力,缓解疲劳,提高工作效率。

5. **改善睡眠**:雪蛤有助于改善睡眠质量,对于失眠、多梦等症状有较好的缓解作用。

6. **抗炎镇痛**:雪蛤具有抗炎镇痛作用,对于关节炎、风湿病等炎症性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **抗肿瘤**:研究表明,雪蛤中的某些成分具有抗肿瘤作用,可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。

8. **提高免疫力**:雪蛤中的多种营养成分可以增强人体免疫力,预防疾病。

9. **抗氧化**:雪蛤中的抗氧化物质可以清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化。

10. **调节血糖**:雪蛤具有调节血糖的作用,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。







1. 准备材料:蜂蜜、陈醋、温开水。

2. 将适量蜂蜜和陈醋按照1:1的比例混合,搅拌均匀。

3. 取适量混合液,加入温开水稀释,搅拌均匀。

4. 每日早晚各饮用一次,每次约50毫升。


1. 滋养眼睛:蜂蜜中的多种维生素和矿物质能够滋养眼睛,改善视力模糊。

2. 调节血脂:陈醋中的酸性物质可以促进脂肪分解,降低血脂,对眼睛健康有益。

3. 抗氧化:蜂蜜和陈醋都具有抗氧化作用,可以帮助清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

4. 增强免疫力:蜂蜜和陈醋中的营养成分可以增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

5. 消除疲劳:蜂蜜具有补中益气、消除疲劳的功效,对于长时间用眼引起的视力模糊有很好的改善作用。




1. **止血化瘀**:田七叶具有显著的止血和化瘀功效,对于各种出血症状如吐血、衄血、便血、外伤出血等有很好的治疗作用。


2. **消肿定痛**:对于跌打肿痛、痈肿疮毒等症状,田七叶能起到消肿止痛的效果。


3. **抗炎抗病毒**:田七叶含有丰富的皂苷、生物碱等天然药用成分,能够提高人体毛细血管的通透性,抑制炎症滋生,增强人体自身的抗炎能力,从而预防气管炎、咽喉炎、肾炎、肠炎等多种疾病。

4. **延缓衰老**:田七叶中含有大量三七皂苷、天然多糖以及丰富的黄酮类化合物,这些成分有助于增强人体素质,加快新陈代谢,提高抗衰老能力。特别是其中的皂苷和黄酮类化合物能阻止自由基和过氧化脂质生成,保护细胞免受伤害。


5. **治疗高血脂**:田七叶在临床上被用于治疗高血脂,其中的活性成分能抑制胆固醇吸收,加速脂肪分解和代谢,降低血脂。

6. **其他功效**:田七叶还被用于治疗痰火、赤眼、无名痈肿等症,具有一定的药用价值。



1. **营养价值丰富**:瓜子含有较高的蛋白质、脂肪、矿物质和维生素。例如,葵花籽含有丰富的维生素E、B族维生素、矿物质如钙、磷、铁、钾、镁等。

2. **促进消化**:瓜子中的脂肪和蛋白质可以刺激唾液和胃液的分泌,有助于消化,尤其是在饭后嗑瓜子,可以促进食物的消化。

3. **提高免疫力**:瓜子中的多种维生素和矿物质有助于增强人体免疫力,抵抗疾病。

4. **补钙作用**:虽然瓜子不是最佳的补钙食物,但其所含的钙质可以起到一定的补钙作用。

5. **预防贫血**:瓜子含有丰富的铁,可以帮助预防贫血,尤其是对于铁摄入不足的人群。


6. **健脑益智**:瓜子中的磷脂和亚油酸对大脑有好处,可以预防老年痴呆,增强记忆力。

7. **保护心血管健康**:瓜子中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低胆固醇,维护心血管健康。

8. **抗氧化作用**:瓜子中的维生素E和其他抗氧化物质有助于抵抗自由基,预防细胞损伤。

9. **调节血糖**:虽然瓜子含糖量不高,但它的脂肪和蛋白质含量较高,可以提供持久的能量,有助于控制血糖。

10. **缓解压力**:瓜子中的某些成分被认为可以缓解压力和焦虑。



1. **美化环境**:三角梅花色鲜艳,花期长,是优良的观赏植物,常用于园林、公园、庭院和花坛的布置,能够美化环境,提升人们的生活质量。

2. **净化空气**:三角梅具有一定的空气净化能力,可以吸收空气中的有害物质,如甲醛、苯等,对改善空气质量有一定的帮助。

3. **药用价值**:三角梅的叶、花、根等部位在中医中有一定的药用价值。例如,三角梅的花可以用来治疗感冒、头痛等疾病。


4. **驱虫作用**:三角梅具有一定的驱虫作用,可以用来驱赶蚊虫,有助于改善家庭和农作物的生态环境。

5. **生态保护**:三角梅的根系发达,能够固定土壤,防止水土流失,对于保护生态环境有一定的积极作用。

6. **文化寓意**:在中国文化中,三角梅象征着热情、生命力旺盛,常被用来表达对生活的热爱和对未来的美好祝愿。

7. **促进经济发展**:三角梅作为一种重要的观赏植物,其种植和销售对相关产业发展起到了推动作用,有助于促进当地经济发展。



### 营养价值

1. **蛋白质**:西兰花含有丰富的蛋白质,有助于人体组织的修复和生长。


2. **膳食纤维**:含有大量膳食纤维,有助于维持消化系统健康,预防便秘。
3. **维生素**:西兰花富含多种维生素,如维生素C、维生素K、维生素A等,这些维生素对增强免疫力、促进铁的吸收和维持皮肤健康至关重要。
4. **矿物质**:含有钙、钾、镁等多种矿物质,对于维持人体正常生理功能发挥着关键作用。
5. **抗氧化物质**:西兰花含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如叶绿素、叶酸等,有助于中和体内的自由基,延缓细胞衰老。
6. **特殊成分**:西兰花含有二硫酚硫酮、类黄酮等特殊成分,具有美白、抗衰老、降低血糖、防癌抗癌的功效。

### 作用

1. **防癌抗癌**:西兰花中的多种抗氧化物质具有防癌抗癌作用,可以抑制癌细胞的生长和扩散,降低结肠癌、直肠癌、口腔癌、喉癌、乳腺癌、膀胱癌、前列腺癌和胃癌的风险。
2. **增强免疫力**:西兰花富含维生素C和其他营养物质,有助于增强人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。
3. **保护心血管**:西兰花中的膳食纤维和矿物质有助于降低胆固醇、稳定血压,从而保护心血管健康。
4. **延缓衰老**:西兰花中的抗氧化物质可以清除体内的自由基,延缓细胞衰老,保持皮肤紧致有弹性。
5. **改善脑鸣**:西兰花含有丰富的铁元素,可以预防和缓解中老年人脑鸣症状。
6. **美白肌肤**:西兰花中的二硫酚硫酮可以降低形成黑色素的酶及阻止皮肤色素斑的形成,对肌肤有很好的美白效果。


7. **降低血糖**:西兰花中含有大量的维生素K,能降低糖分的吸收,减缓血糖的升高,辅助治疗糖尿病。


### 食用建议

1. **清洗**:西兰花在食用前应彻底清洗,去除农药残留。
2. **烹饪**:烹饪西兰花时,尽量采用清炒、凉拌或蒸煮等低温烹饪方法,以保留其营养和口感。
3. **搭配**:可以搭配虾仁、胡萝卜等食材,以提升口感和营养价值。



1. **抗氧化作用**:大白菜中含有丰富的维生素E,这种成分具有很强的抗氧化作用,可以对抗自由基,减少氧化应激,对预防细胞损伤和延缓衰老有积极作用。

2. **美容养颜**:由于大白菜中维生素E的含量,经常饮用大白菜煮水有助于去除面部的黄褐斑,改善皮肤状况,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

3. **促进消化**:大白菜富含膳食纤维,煮水后纤维成分能够促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,预防便秘,适合肠胃不佳的人群。

4. **补充营养**:大白菜煮水能够补充人体所需的维生素A、B族维生素以及矿物质等营养成分,增强机体免疫力。

5. **清热解毒**:大白菜性味甘平,煮水后有一定的清热解毒作用,对于改善上火、口干等症状有一定帮助。


6. **利尿消肿**:白菜煮水含有钾等矿物质,能够帮助身体排出多余水分,达到利尿消肿的效果。


7. **减肥作用**:水煮白菜热量低,能够增加饱腹感,减少其他高热量食物的摄入,同时大白菜中的纤维素有助于脂肪的消化和排泄,对减肥有一定的积极作用。

8. **增强免疫力**:大白菜煮水中的维生素A对于提高机体免疫力有重要作用。

9. **其他功效**:大白菜煮水还有助于改善感冒、咳嗽、口干、口臭等症状,具有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. **清热生津**:莲藕节含有丰富的水分,可以清热解暑,生津止渴,适合体内热气过盛,出现口渴、烦躁等症状的人群。

2. **凉血散瘀**:莲藕节具有凉血散瘀的功效,对于血瘀引起的月经不调、痛经、产后恶露不尽等有缓解作用。


3. **止血作用**:莲藕节中的鞣质和维生素K有很好的收敛和收缩血管作用,对于吐血、衄血、尿血、便血等出血症状有止血效果。

4. **补血**:莲藕节含有丰富的铁元素,有助于补血,特别适合缺铁性贫血的人群。

5. **健脾开胃**:莲藕节性味甘平,有助于健脾开胃,对于脾胃虚弱导致的胃脘隐痛、食欲不振有改善作用。

6. **促进肠道蠕动**:莲藕节含有大量的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。


7. **调节离子平衡**:莲藕节中的钙、铁等矿物质含量较高,有助于调节体内的离子平衡,对低钙血症和缺铁性贫血有调节作用。


8. **改善视疲劳**:莲藕节中含有胡萝卜素等成分,有助于改善视疲劳。

9. **降低血压、血脂**:莲藕节有助于降低血压和血脂,对心血管健康有益。

10. **美容养颜**:莲藕节富含维生素和蛋白质,有助于美容养颜,适合女性食用。


"Wu Wensheng is very influential in the south of the Yangtze River. It is estimated that he will also find the city himself," Yuan Ke explained. "The superintendent of the Black Street will certainly receive a report from the police station."

"I know what you mean" Liu Baochen nodded.
"Liu Dui this thing your heart" Yuan Ke ourtenant patting Liu Baochen thigh low blunt he said, "if we can get revenge on Wu Yao that Wu Wensheng will not mistreat you"
"Ha ha, I know" Liu Baochen nodded again.
"Oh, right, just talk about business. I forgot something for you." Yuan Ke smiled and looked up and shouted, "Come and bring back the two cigarettes I got from Fengbei to Liu Dui."
Liu Baochen hypocritically responded immediately after one leng, "Look, Chloe, you’re all right. You’re always thinking about me. I’m embarrassed."
"Your brother, this is not a thing, hehe."
More minutes late.
Officers of the 4th Brigade of Black Street Superintendent are working overtime and meeting in the conference room.
In front of the blackboard, Liu Baochen pointed to the photo of Brother Owl behind him and said majestically, "The witness has identified that this is the main murderer who killed Wu Yao, and he was also the main suspect in the gun trafficking case before the murder. The police station has ordered us to investigate the case together, and each of the five districts has set up a task force to order the case to be solved in January."
Qin Yu looked at the blackboard photo and instantly remembered that he had played with him in Jiangzhou. This man was the one who kidnapped Kang Ge.
This is a very important clue. If Qin Yu wants to tell it, the task force will have a very direct direction to solve the case
Chapter one hundred and sixty-seven Two little brothers
Qin Yu sat in a chair and squinted at a Liu Baochen. The goods in his heart were also hesitant to euphemistically express the clues of Xiao Ge so that there was a direction in the team. Although Qin Yu was grateful to Xiao Ge, the man did not give him less trouble in Jiangzhou. Plus, Xiao Ge, who had never met before, was a very dangerous person. Qin Yu was not considering his ideas for him.
Liu Baochen glanced at Qin Yu coldly in front of the blackboard. "Lieutenant Qin, recently, you have put your own things aside, and we Chinese people have to solve this case. And I also hope that the third group of people will adapt to the rhythm of the four teams as soon as possible, and don’t bring the ethos of doing things before is doing things …!"
When Qin Yu saw the dead attitude of the other party and said these bullshit words, he suddenly felt disgusted. "Liu Dui said that when handling a case, don’t always talk about the ethos. The record of the three groups is not worse than others, right?"
Liu Baochen glanced at Qin Yu with a frown and briefly ordered, "I’ll let two groups of people share the information on gun trafficking with you as soon as possible, and you will come up with some plans one day."
"No problem" Qin Yu nodded.
"So let’s go first." Liu Baochen finished his speech and turned to go.
Zhu Wei scratched his nose and turned to look at Qin Yu and said, "This aunt Liu is now completely hating me. She opens her mouth and shuts up every day and picks on the third group of faults. Hehe, look at it. If he takes me to do this case, it will be his credit. If he fails, you will be the first to be reported."
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"Do your job well, and then we’ll leave," Qin Yu replied succinctly. "This kind of person can also engage in grass-roots struggle. I’m not in his body."
"I’ll go with two groups of docking data" Zhu Wei nodded.
"Fuck, I forgot about it." Qin Yugang was like suddenly thinking of something.
"What’s the matter?" Zhu Wei asked
"I forgot about Tong Shu’s accident." Qin Yu quickly picked up his things and said, "You go to dock with each other first and I’ll go and see the two police officers."
in half an hour
In the superintendent’s dormitory, two young men, both in their early twenties, are chatting in bed.
The door rang and Qin Yu entered the room wearing a system and opened his mouth and shouted, "Ding Guozhen! Fu Xiaohao! "
The two boys immediately jumped from the bed to the ground barefoot and saluted Qin Yu. "Qin team is good!"
Because the new police officer in Black Street was brought back by Qin Yu from Fengbei, the three of them had already met.
"Hehe, I’m not so nervous." Qin Yu smiled and waved. "Make yourself at home."
Two people smell put arm immediately Fu Xiaohao greeted with a smile "sit you sit qin team"
Qin Yu bent down to sit in the bedroom bed and looked up at the two of them motioning with his hand. "Don’t let me greet you."
Two people still slightly stiff nodded erect sitting opposite the Qin Yu.
"I didn’t come to chat in detail in the car." Qin Yu took out a cigarette and took a mouthful of it. "Where are your family matters?"
"I’m Fengbei." Ding Guozhen is a little fat, but his skin is white and his facial features are quite delicate. He is a handsome boy.
"What about you?" Qin Yuchong Fu Xiaohao asked
"I … I am a living village in the northern suburbs." Fu Xiaohao said this with his head down and seemed to feel that he was born a little ashamed.
Qin Yu smoked a cigarette and asked with a smile, "Can you read the police academy and say that your family conditions are not bad? Since there is a way out, why choose this line?" How dangerous is it? "
"My dad said that police officers are iron rice bowls for this job. They don’t worry about eating and drinking Lazar." Ding Guozhen replied with a big smile. "… they want me, so I’ll do it."
Fu Xiaohao looked up at Qin Yu after considering for a long time and replied, "I think it’s easier to get into the system before I have a chance to be an official."
"You are really ha ha" Qin Yu leng after a should way with a smile.
"What’s wrong with this?" Fu Xiaohao put his hands straight on his legs and said bluntly, "We poor children are born with no way out to find our own way."
"Right," Qin Yu looked at him and nodded. "After the trip, you will be with me in my team. Otherwise, everything else will be fine."
"Qin team trouble" Fu Xiaohao polite and respectful response.
"Qin team, when are we going to work?" Ding Guozhen asked
Qin Yu got up and looked at the two of them. "I just have a case to catch up with. You two change clothes and report to the team for a while. Find Zhu Wei."

To be able to get rid of these nine rivers of blood, this god has the confidence to escape from the shadows by using his own escape method.

As soon as his opponent left, Jin Shanshan swallowed the sacred iron unceremoniously. He was not as worried as the God, and he was confident that the master was behind him. Therefore, he did not think about running away, but never forced to refine this sacred iron sacrifice and refine the flying sword. In an instant, 40 or 50 swords were sacrificed and refined. When Jin Shanshan reached out and gently touched his hand, one or several seven sword-killing spells flew out and landed in these swords, and the sacrifice was refined and ten or twenty times banned.
Although Jin Shanshan has not been born for a long time, he is a natural deity. Therefore, when he was born, he was born with Yuan Shen series mana to sacrifice flying swords. It is a breath that can be sacrificed to 10 or 20 times. If you change the gas refining series, you will have to sacrifice for hundreds of years. This is a difference in the realm of Tao and Dao, and you can’t cross it any more.
Jin Shanshan hastily refined this sacred iron sacrifice into dozens of flying swords, and his original hundreds of flying swords were combined to have more than 150. This small thief’s head door also trained many eyes. I thought to myself, "That guy’s suggestion that the light of the sword is polluted in vain, but it also consumes some vitality. My flying swords are all painstakingly refined, and every one of them has a great future. Once they are polluted by lotus flower, there is no place to find compensation. When they will be enemies, I can’t take out those flying swords that are not refined enough to make those four mouths have been refined to seventy-two."
Rao is a gold sparkle, and it is impossible for him to sacrifice a 72-strong evil spirit to ban a perfect instrument in a few months and years. His four flying swords were still cultivated by Chen Qizhu with the help of hundreds of dharma protectors in the ancient gold thallium of Yuan Dynasty. If the sacrifice was completed, it would be like turning these four flying swords into a 72-strong evil spirit ban, and Jin Shanshan himself would have to slowly train outsiders to help him.
This is Chen Qi giving him a training.
Suspending the most powerful four flying swords around, Jin Shanshan drank a lot, and the sword became one, and he also went straight to the light of the nine rivers of blood …
Chapter six hundred and eleven Monty blood Excalibur
Jin Shanshan’s body is an iron core of stars. After I don’t know how many years, it is born with all evils and does not invade those blood rivers. Light energy can release the sword light pollution of the protoss god, but it can’t endure his body qi. There is gold and shining body qi to protect these four flying swords. Although it is still a multiplier series, it is still not afraid of the nine blood rivers.
Jin Shanshan got a lot of training from Chen Qi, and the timing of breaking through the blood river divine power was just right. It was that god who was going to get rid of the entanglement of the blood river divine power and trip over the nine blood river divine power, so that when the nine blood masters were unable to give attention to two or three points of power, he rushed out of the surface of the stars in one breath, but just as he broke through the blood eye star surface, the nine blood river forces were firmly blocked, making the surrounding Jin Shanshan as thick as lava and bloody.
"These blood clan spells are really annoying."
Jin Shanshan didn’t keep the balance spring of the sword alive, rolled it up and made it bloody, but Rao was an excellent swordsman. When this overwhelming large-scale spell met, he could also ensure that he did not lose but could not guarantee the direction of escape. The blood river changed in all directions, and Jin Shanshan was caught in it, and he was caught in a struggle.
The protoss god’s main reason, Jin Shanshan, suddenly broke out. Nine blood clan blood lords changed the direction of spells together, but he was so thin that he rushed out. However, he met the thief leader Chen Qi with a bad fortune, and he floated into the Xuan Huang Qi with a move of his hand. Now Chen Qi Fa Li has re-entered the country to deal with such a series of Yuan God incarnations. With one gesture and one foot, he can defeat the enemy and even win without any spells.
Chen Qi accepted the head of the protoss God and watched with interest Jin Shanshan’s conflict back and forth in the blood river.
He accepted this apprentice on the spur of the moment, but he spared no effort in teaching. He also had some expectations for the growth of Jin Shanshan and wanted to know how much potential he had as an apprentice.
Jin Shanshan gave him an answer that did not exceed expectations and did not fall short of expectations.
This little fellow of the Star Iron Nucleation clashed back and forth in the river of blood with Chen Qi’s swordsmanship. Although he was unable to extricate himself for a while, he was not afraid that the nine blood clan blood lords had too much blood. It was because the skill was too shallow, or it was not that Chen Qi didn’t win the game. After a while, he suddenly chuckled and reached out and shouted, "The apprentice took the magic weapon!"
A brilliant river of light broke through the nine rivers of blood and fell to the sky, and several lotus flowers fell to the golden sparkle. Jin Shanshan’s hand caught the ecstasy and Chen Qi gave him a magic weapon. It was the god protoss who fell into Chen Qi’s hands, which was the most unlucky thief. It took him a moment to refine and change hands and gave it to his disciples.
Chen Qi now has thirty-four magic weapons, but he still lacks a magic weapon of true form series. However, this magic weapon of virtual spirit series falls into his hands, but it is not big. It just happens that this treasure can complement each other with Jin Shanshan Taoism, which can enhance this disciple’s magic. Chen Qi is not stingy with refining, and then a magic force enters Jin Shanshan’s side.
Jin Shanshan drank the seven-kill magic method and flew out with Chen Qi to prepare in advance. In a moment, this volume of nine-day sword house master plan was refined. The first ban was imposed. After the god’s mana had been cultivated to the fourth highest day ban, it was equivalent to the fourth highest day ban magic weapon. After Jin Shanshan’s sacrifice, he was able to exert the power of this magic weapon. All the flying swords have entered this volume of the Nine-Day Sword House Master Plan. The surging sword light is like a river, which is three times more powerful than when the God urged the avatar. The sword light of hundreds of millions of swords was torn by a shock, and nine rivers of blood flew away.
After Jin Shanshan feixu, he was about to thank Chen Qi, who had waved his hand slightly and said, "Don’t let the teacher be at the mercy of these blood lords!"
When the little thief just watched the war, he had been constantly calculating. At this time, he had got a result, and his heart was very satisfied. Before those blood lords flew in to instigate the nine rivers of blood to fight with him, he had turned into a big hand to catch and cover the whole blood eye stars together.
Chen Qi’s thoughts crushed all the inferno monarchs together, even his soul knowledge and magic bones were sent into the abyss where the nine rivers of blood gathered together. Chen Qi collected these inferno monarchs’ soul knowledge and magic bones and polluted them by the blood river gas. These inferno monarchs have never been transported anywhere, and he didn’t have to sacrifice a magic weapon by himself. He also needed an opportunity or something to rely on. At this time, he calculated for a long time and suddenly found that this blood eye star, together with nine blood rivers, was reborn and sacrificed to the whole star. After all the blood families of Fuliluo, he could turn a magic weapon into a magic weapon and
Being crushed by the petty thief’s mana, the blood-eye star cried and smashed several floating Li Luo blood clans, together with nine blood lords and Chen Qi, who broke into the inferno, the soul knowledge of the great king and the magic bone, and all the mana of the nine blood rivers were swallowed up by the abyss, which turned it into a red blood vortex, and the potential horse was torn and broken together with the surrounding virtual until the virtual collapse in Fiona Fang. Everything disappeared into a singularity, and Chen Qi was able to drink a detective and catch it, and pulled out a magic knife from the shattered virtual.
The handle of this magic weapon is cast by the magic bone of the inferno monarch, and the bones are dense and cold, but the cold blade is cast by the lotus flower and the souls of several creatures. The blade is fierce and cold as blood, and it is full of resentment. There is a red magic pupil with far-reaching vision, which seems to be able to swallow all the inferno monarch’s souls, know the blood clan, master the spirit, count the floating liro blood clan creatures, nine rivers of blood and the whole blood eye star power are sealed in the blade. If this knife is urged to go out and slay the enemy, it will devour the enemy’s soul and essence blood together to evolve its own
Chen Qi gently flicked this magic knife, but he smiled. "This knife is my suppression of the bones and souls of the inferno monarch. With the help of nine rivers of blood, I can name the magic knife of monty and blood. If this knife is ten percent, I can prove the dharma body!"
Chen Qi has been running in nine true magic weapons for a long time. After receiving Yuan Gu Jin thallium, he flew to a vertex and almost got out of it. He refined the Xuanhuang Linglong Tower of heaven and earth into a true magic weapon, and cultivated the immortal treasure to this state, which is equivalent to the fact that Yuan Shen’s dharma body is too powerful and the dragon tactic is exhausted, and then Chen Qi’s magic power will be even more cruel.
Chen Qiba played for a while without looking at his disciples’ shocked eyes. He smiled and said, "You want to make sacrifices to refine my seven killing methods. This array can be refined. You have this magic weapon, plus natural magical powers and my teachings. Even if you meet Yuan Shen’s dharma body, you can slightly support the ordinary Yuan Shen incarnation series. It is no longer your opponent."
Jin Shanshan was impressed with the master’s means and bowed down and said, "Master’s magic power can kill these blood lords so easily, but it can be refined into such a powerful magic weapon. Why don’t we go over there and kill the whole undead Xinghai blood clan?"
Chen Qi smiled and didn’t know what to say. This disciple’s good gold sparkled like a blank sheet of paper after he was born. But today, after seeing such killing and practicing swordsmanship, his mind changed. Chen Qi was waiting for advice to let the disciple return to the right direction, and suddenly he came from a distant horizon to binge drink. "Who killed my blood clan creatures? Leave me to be a blood slave! "
Chapter six hundred and twelve Great-great-great-great-grandmother Master’s farewell.
Chen Qi looked up and didn’t care much. The newcomer was a blood clan gentleman who was equivalent to the Yuan God’s dharma series. Even though he had some severe means, he didn’t pay attention to the thief’s head. He waved his disciples briefly and tried to leave.
The blood clan gentleman who came here saw that Chen Qi was so contemptuous of him. He cried and gave birth to a cloud of burning blood. In a moment, it burned from the virtual, and he was dissatisfied with hundreds of thousands of miles from the two wings. Obviously, he was going to wrap Chen Qi and Jin Shanshan, the master and apprentice. Chen Qi laughed with a flick of his finger, and the blood knife flew out. The blood eye bloomed in the blade, and the blood clan resentments and the inferno gentleman’s soul were angry and snarled, as if they wanted to choose someone.
Although monty’s blood-transforming magic knife is a magic weapon refined by Chen Qixin, it was made of the most advanced series, so it was also refined into a magic weapon of true series. It was still a little short of temperature, and Chen Qicai didn’t immediately practice it with the Xuan Huang Linglong Tower of heaven and earth to impact the realm of Yuan Shen’s dharma.
Rao is so. When this monty-turned-blood magic knife roared out of the blade, magic eye shot the poor lotus flower, which also surprised the blood clan gentleman’s heart secretly. He hurriedly lifted his hand and flew out of the September 19th with the blood-refined flying fork and fought with this monty-turned-blood magic knife.
"hey! This fellow’s spells are somewhat similar to Monty’s method of killing God. These blood-refined flying forks also have some close relatives with Monty’s fork of killing God … "
What Chen Qi has learned is complicated, especially in the dazzling Tuo Xinghai. I don’t know how many infernos have been slaughtered. I also know thousands of kinds of inferno magic, and they are all the best. Those magic are extremely high among the hundreds of magic, but they are the top ten source magic and the magic fork empire, so Chen Qi can recognize them at a glance.
The little thief saw that the blood clan monarch’s mana was still tough, so he killed this fellow to sacrifice the magic sword of monty and blood. Chen Qi sacrificed this magic sword of monty and blood, and spent a lot of blood together to suppress the inferno monarch. I hope this magic sword can be rushed to the highest level in the shortest time, so that everything will be perfect when he hits a higher level.
Monty’s blood-refining magic knife naturally turns into nine knives to meet the change, and competes with the 19-mouth blood-refining flying fork. After a while, the knife will be twisted, and the 19-mouth blood-refining flying fork will be ground together, making a click sound in the knife light. This magic knife actually chewed and swallowed all the remains of these flying forks after grinding the blood-refining flying fork, and it won the 19-mouth blood-refining flying fork to nourish Monty’s blood-refining flying fork. The knife light is more vigorous and bloody than before.
See this kind of situation, the blood clan gentleman is also frightened by his heart. This blood-refined flying fork is made by painstaking sacrifices. It has been carried with him for thousands of years. He has not yet had a thief’s head as a means to easily subdue the magic weapon. This blood clan gentleman has always hoped that one day he can refine this 19-mouth blood-refined flying fork to a magic weapon series to match his own Tao, and he will never die.
Where could he have predicted that Chen Qi’s means were so cruel, but he could drink a handful of his personal treasures and easily refused to move the last bite of the blood-refining flying fork, which was the only magic weapon in his sacrifice of 20 blood-refining flying forks. He usually defeated the enemy with that 19-mouth multiplier series blood-refining flying fork, so this magic weapon series blood-refining flying fork at the bottom of the closet almost never moved.
This was a confrontation with the little thief, and he was forced out of his last resort. The blood clan gentleman was also horrified
However, although the quality of his blood-refining flying fork is excellent, it is a magic weapon, but it is not as good as the virtual spirit series. Although the blood-refining magic knife is also a magic weapon, it is not very stable, but after all, it is already higher. This magic knife has released nine knives and strangled the blood-refining flying fork, but it has turned into a brilliant blood river and rushed to the blood clan monarch.
When the head of the blood clan saw it, he could also urge the spell to start. When ten fingers were lifted, they all released blood flames. There were several blood flames in the blood flames, and lotus flowers blossomed cold, trying to resist this monty’s bloody sword.
Chen Qi, if he had this magical power, he would have resisted it. But the thief’s head means a lot. He saw that Monty’s bloody magic knife was not clean for a while, so he secretly drank the Monty Palace and flew out from behind his head to meet and transform a Buddha. This Buddha is the Lord of Oriental Glass Light Buddha. When he reached out and pressed it, he had a huge palm descending from the sky, and the blood clan monarch was sealed in it.