
1. **抑菌抗炎**:黄藤素对多种细菌,如大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌等,具有抑制作用,同时对多种炎症性疾病具有抗炎作用。

2. **清热解毒**:黄藤素具有清热解毒的功效,对于肠炎、菌痢、妇科炎症、扁桃体炎、泌尿道感染、外科感染、上呼吸道感染等症有治疗作用。


3. **增强免疫力**:黄藤素可以增强人体免疫功能,提高机体对病原微生物的防御能力。


4. **降血压**:黄藤素还具有降血压的作用,对高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **抑制癌细胞**:研究显示,黄藤素对某些癌细胞具有抑制作用,具有潜在的抗癌作用。

6. **外用治疗**:黄藤素也可外用治疗白色念珠菌感染和结膜炎。

7. **兽用黄藤素**:黄藤素在兽医学上也有应用,用于治疗动物的一些感染性疾病。

8. **分散片**:黄藤素分散片具有服用方便、崩解迅速、吸收快和生物利用度高等特点,适用于治疗妇科炎症、痢疾、肠炎、呼吸道及泌尿道感染、外科感染、眼结膜炎等。



1. **高效保湿**:睡眠面膜通常富含丰富的保湿成分,能够深层滋润肌肤,增加肌肤的水分含量,使得肌肤在睡眠中得到充分的水分补充。

2. **修护肌肤**:在夜间,肌肤的自我修护能力最强。睡眠面膜能够帮助肌肤在夜间修复损伤,恢复肌肤的弹性和光泽。

3. **提高吸收率**:睡眠面膜在肌肤表面形成一层薄膜,有助于锁住肌肤水分,提高护肤品中有效成分的吸收率。

4. **防止水分流失**:睡眠面膜能够形成保护层,减少肌肤水分在夜间因蒸发而流失,保持肌肤的水润状态。


5. **抗衰老**:许多睡眠面膜中添加了抗老化的成分,如胶原蛋白、抗氧化剂等,可以促进肌肤细胞的更新,减缓衰老进程。

6. **美白肌肤**:含有美白成分的睡眠面膜,可以帮助改善肤色不均,提亮肤色,使肌肤更加明亮。

7. **舒适使用**:睡眠面膜质地轻薄,涂抹时延展性好,易于吸收,不会给肌肤带来负担,使得夜间护肤过程更加舒适。


8. **方便快捷**:睡眠面膜的使用非常方便,可以省去日常护肤程序中的一些步骤,节省时间。

9. **适应不同肤质**:市面上有多种类型的睡眠面膜,适合不同肤质的需求,如油性、干性、混合性等。



1. **明目养眼**:枸杞含有丰富的β-胡萝卜素、维生素A、维生素C等对眼睛有益的营养成分,能够缓解眼睛疲劳,改善视力,对长时间用眼导致的眼睛干涩、疲劳有显著效果。菊花具有清热解毒、平肝明目的作用,对于眼睛红肿、视力模糊等症状有辅助治疗作用。

2. **清热解毒**:菊花性寒,具有清热解毒的效果,可以缓解体内火气,对咽喉肿痛、口干舌燥等热性症状有一定的缓解作用。


3. **抗衰老**:枸杞中的抗氧化成分如多糖、维生素E等,可以清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化,有助于延缓衰老。

4. **保护肝脏**:枸杞和菊花都具有保护肝脏的作用,能够帮助提高肝细胞的活性和抵抗力,对于预防肝脏疾病有一定的辅助效果。

5. **调节血糖**:枸杞中的枸杞多糖可以调节血糖,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **提高免疫力**:枸杞和菊花都含有多种有益成分,可以提高人体免疫力,增强抗病能力。

7. **补血滋阴**:枸杞具有滋阴补血的作用,适合血虚体质的人群饮用,可以改善面色苍白、头晕乏力等症状。

8. **降血压**:菊花具有降血压的作用,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

9. **调节血脂**:枸杞中的有效成分有助于调节血脂,对于高血脂患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

10. **改善睡眠**:枸杞中的某些成分有助于改善睡眠质量,对于失眠多梦有缓解作用。




1. **保健养生:** 米酒酒精度数相对较低,适合适量饮用。它能够促进血液循环,加快新陈代谢,对身体健康有益。

2. **活血调经:** 对于女性来说,米酒具有活血行经的作用,可以预防月经不调。

3. **促进催乳:** 米酒有助于促进产妇催乳,预防乳汁不畅。

4. **增强免疫力:** 米酒含有多种氨基酸和维生素,能够补充人体营养,增强免疫力。


5. **养血舒筋:** 米酒具有养血舒筋、润肤养颜的功效,对体质虚衰、元气亏损、贫血等有疗效。

6. **辅助医药:** 米酒在中医药中常作为药引子,与中草药同煮,增加药效,减少不良反应。

7. **促进消化:** 米酒能够刺激消化液分泌,增进食欲,对消化不良、厌食等症状有疗效。

8. **驱寒祛湿:** 烫热饮用米酒能驱寒祛湿、活血化瘀,对腰背酸痛、手足麻木、风湿性关节炎及跌打损伤等有益。

9. **增强体质:** 与鸡蛋、红糖同煮或冲服,补中益气,强健筋骨,可防止神经衰弱、神思恍惚、头晕耳鸣、失眠、健忘等症。


1. **不宜空腹饮用:** 空腹喝米酒,胃壁吸收酒精的速度较快,容易对胃造成损伤。

2. **不宜与西药同食:** 米酒与西药同服可能引发反应,导致不良后果。


3. **孕妇和哺乳期妇女禁饮:** 米酒中含有酒精成分,对胎儿和婴儿的健康有一定影响。

4. **肝功能异常患者禁饮:** 过量饮用米酒会对肝脏造成负担,加重肝脏疾病。

5. **消化道疾病患者慎饮:** 米酒具有一定的刺激作用,容易导致胃肠道不适。

6. **酒精过敏者禁用:** 酒精过敏者饮用米酒会产生不良反应。


7. **痛风患者慎饮:** 酒精容易使体内乳酸堆积,对尿酸排出有抑制作用,易诱发痛风。

8. **糖尿病患者慎饮:** 米酒含有糖分,糖尿病患者应谨慎饮用。


"So that’s it. I even went to Wanjian Villa."

Jiao Fei didn’t expect that there was such a coincidence. He thought of the archduke Xie Shenfeng of Wanjian Villa and Su Zhen’s registered brother Hou Jing. He couldn’t help secretly saying, "Monks have monastic things, and ordinary people are afraid of ordinary people. Things are a hundred times more complicated than those of us monks. The cultivation of monks is a struggle between people’s hearts and minds, and ordinary people don’t know what is in heaven. Therefore, monks point to their hearts and don’t take twists and turns to do things. They all choose the one that is most successful and may be the shortest, but ordinary people do things with twists and turns.
Jiao Fei asked about this matter, so he made a mind to go to Wanjian Mountain Villa in the future and have a look at the seven fierce horses. But now, of course, he will go to the depths of the earth to defend the root of Tianhe Sword Sect.
It is also quite emotional for Jiaofei to revisit this old place.
Jiao Fei didn’t send himself to harness the light this time, but he still chose the rock to settle down when he suppressed the blood river.
At one time, his mana was unbearable, relying on the six Yang deities and five hundred water snake soldiers to resist several demons coming out of the blood river. This time, Jiao Fei’s mana has improved a lot compared with the previous one, and there are also many magic weapons around him. In those days, the six Yang deities have now been sacrificed and refined into a magic weapon, and the five hundred water snake soldiers have been ignored since Jiao Fei planted the Taoist pure Yang mantra.
This time, Jiao Fei suddenly remembered the old feelings, and he took a shot of the road soldier and the weapon of the year, and five hundred water snake soldiers showed up together.
The five hundred water snake soldiers were originally built on the layers of condensed evil spirit and refined Gang. After so many years, their mana was great, but there was still no increase. Due to their qualifications, the five hundred water snake soldiers had no way to advance to Dancheng and stopped repairing because they were trapped in the military code and had no way to refine Gang gas.
Five hundred water snake soldiers were not ignored by Jiao Fei for so many years and resented their loyalty. They all bowed to the ground and shouted, "I don’t know if I have been sent this time."
Jiao Fei took one look at the five hundred water snake soldiers. Although they are all monsters, Shou Yuan is long and old, but it is also more vicissitudes than in those years. I remembered that many times with the help of these five hundred water snake soldiers, I couldn’t help but feel guilty.
He didn’t talk. He drank the 500 water snake soldiers gently, and then formed a large array of snakes swallowing the moon according to the rehearsal method several times. At the beginning, they planted a pure yang spell with a heart, so this snake was golden and ordinary.
"This time, my Lord, it’s my turn to suppress the blood river demon, so you can help me."
Jiao Fei has not repaired the five hundred water snake soldiers. At the beginning, the five hundred water snake soldiers joined forces to temporarily raise him to the realm of Dan Cheng. But now Jiao Fei is already the ninth level of refining gas. The five hundred water snake soldiers are not helping him.
But Jiao Fei also doesn’t say that these things are to savor the weak mana that protects the 500 water snake soldiers around his home. He has made a desperate effort to urge him to get his own help. Jiao Fei can really sense that when he knew that 500 water snake soldiers were coming to be evil, now he can sense how hard it is for each water snake soldier to send himself to the snake swallowing the moon.
Every time someone borrows Jiao Fei’s mana to run these water snake soldiers, they have to endure great pain, just like someone forcibly pulls their limbs. None of these water snake soldiers flinch, but they silently endure their fate and turn to be evil, and they have never flown over follow focus without a word of complaint …
Chapter 10 New hexagrams
"Heaven and earth are in great array!"
Jiao Fei’s sacrifice of the mysterious array of heaven and earth doesn’t melt into the mysterious and exquisite tower of heaven and earth. When this array is shaken, it separates 500 mysterious and yellow qi, and when it is brushed in the body of 500 water snakes, it knocks all the 500 water snakes’ art of war into the third induction realm of refining gas, and melts all their body qi and qi, including the pure Yang mantra of Tao heart.
The large array of snake swallowing the moon collapsed at once, and five hundred water snake soldiers were abolished. They all looked at each other for a long time and said, "Master, do you dislike us?" Although I am weak in mana, I can still bear the younger generation, and the little fairy can still … "
Jiao Fei drank "What nonsense?"
He took one of the newly condensed chaotic primordial relics of the Xuan Huang array of heaven and earth, and pointed out that this chaotic primordial relic was refined into thick pieces of real dragon Shaqi in the Xuan Huang array of heaven and earth, which is a breath-transforming property of heaven and earth, and the true qi can naturally be refined into Shaqi vigorous gas.
This method was also realized by Jiao Fei not long ago, and now he is giving his own 500 water snake soldiers a try.
"You can forget all your previous spells and Taoism, and I will give you a new Taoist name, A Nose Yuan Shen Jian Ji. There are many imperfections in your original refining. It is because of my great array of heaven and earth that you have to start over and refine your body, so that you can help me with my fighting spirit and dare to question the master’s punishment. Remember it first and practice faster."
Jiao Fei casually put the A-Bi Yuan Shen Jian tactic into these 500 loyal followers. These 500 water snake soldiers were silent together. One is to try their best to operate this new tactic, swallowing Jiao Fei and refining it. The dragon evil spirit hopes that such efforts can calm his master’s anger.
Just now, I questioned Jiao Fei, the water snake soldier, but I was ashamed to practice harder.
These water snake soldiers have been raised by Tianhe Sword Sect since childhood. Every day, they are instilled with the idea that the master will fight to the death. They will never regret Jiaofei’s bad treatment to them. These water snake soldiers will not betray their hearts. If they treat them well, they will be very eager to repay their master’s appreciation of Jiaofei. Although they have gone through hard training to become Shaqi, those water snake soldiers are reluctant to practice their skills, but they have no resentment. Which one of these water snake soldiers does not want them to be more advanced? It’s a waste of your master’s appreciation.
Hand five hundred water snake soldiers this idea JiaoFei naturally clear, but let him do this master is guilty.
A Bi Yuan’s Excalibur is a quick method. Jiao Fei did not set a ban on these 500 water snake soldiers. Because the roots need to be added, these 500 water snake soldiers have been solidified, and a few heads have also been refined. The chaotic vitality relic has transformed the real dragon evil spirit into an endless stream. The true spirit contained in this chaotic vitality relic is fully equivalent to a refined immortal body. Although it has been transformed into a tenth, it is enough for these 500 water snake soldiers to fully solidify evil spirit.
Jiao Feilai was ordered to suppress the blood river, so how many times did he practice with his own hands? He let out the mysterious demon Taoist and ignored it. He still had to completely condense his immortal spirit. The talent of 500 water snake soldiers was high and low, but all of them had a breakthrough. The induction level of the third layer of refining gas was not bad, so after a month, some people gradually condensed Shaqi, which they condensed, and it was the most complicated one, but it was the first-class Shaqi in heaven and earth to smash the mysterious yellow array of Jiao Feiyun and turn it into a real dragon evil spirit.
Jiao Fei still has a real dragon’s mouth formula at hand, and he won’t worry. It is necessary to further refine the alchemy into this batch of water snake soldiers. It is impossible for 99% of them to refine their minds by their own feelings, and they have made great achievements. There are many people who have to be stuck in this 500 water snake soldiers, and there is no exception. Although there are tricks, Jiao Fei can’t find a place to refine it. It is impossible for Dan monsters and monks to kill such a big injury and things that Jiao Fei will not do.
Although Jiao Fei has given this opportunity, it is not easy for two or three of the 500 water snake soldiers to be transported to the gas refining Dan, and it may not be possible to achieve it.
The Taoist Xuanyao suppressed the blood river for Jiao Fei. He is also a Yuan generation. He can add a point of strength by taking a blood river demon. He is also happy about it. The blood river demon is not in the first place. It is not worth thinking about for him. Later, he ordered two crane boys to manipulate the boat and go to realize the Tao.
In addition to Jiao Fei’s original pollution of Yuan Shendao’s pure Yang mantra, Xuan Yaodao also realized three other thunder curses: Ruyi Lei Curse, Beichen Immortal Curse, and Jingzhen Lei Curse, among which Ruyi Lei Curse was realized from the original curse of demons, but the Beichen Immortal Curse and Jingzhen Lei Curse were realized from the two bones of Taizhou. The snake and Razer Demon were refined separately, and these two kinds of magical powers, Xuan Yaodao, were also the master of Zongli Sect, with the help of demons, to explore these two ends.
Besides these three thunder curses, Tai Zhou also has a dragon horse, Lei Zu, which was originally taken from Yang He, the Dragon and Tiger Sect of Xixuanshan. This extra-territorial monty body has been sacrificed and refined by the Dragon and Tiger Sect of Xixuanshan, and people who want to seek the mysterious demon curse with troublesome memories of that year have only recently gradually gone to turnips to realize the divination and fairy thunder curses.
In the boat, the mysterious demon Taoist wants to shake his body. Except for the two Taoist pure yang spells, he is possessed by the four thunder spells. Among them, the wishful thunder spell is intentionally leaked in Jiaofei, and the mysterious demon Taoist cultivates the purest, but the other three thunder spells have many flaws that are always incomprehensible.
Xuanyaodao people don’t know that the great curse of demons is transformed by extreme emotions.
The curse of fire is the condensation of resentment for thousands of years.
The mantra of pure yang is stubborn.
Ruyilei curse is poor anger.
The total curse of five plagues is the combination of five extreme negative emotions of "depression and extinction"
The mantra of a thousand illusions is "illusory beauty, fraud, deception and self-deception …", which is the opposite of depression, despair and despair, and is the opposite of the mantra of five plagues.
The Bodhisattva mantra is extremely pure, that is, the law endures "evil" and the good.
The Vajrayana mantra is both right and evil. It can break all obsessions, become a saint, become a Buddha, or sink into the sea of suffering, become a demon, become a demon, and become an evil demon. It is the heart mantra.
The curse of Jing Zhen Lei is to break the name, to be persistent, to cut off feelings, and to get rid of grievances.
Beichen’s Immortal Curse is transformed by poor thoughts.
Jiao Fei learned the Beichen Immortal Curse and Jing Zhen Lei Curse from Xuan Yaodao’s hands, and he can easily make up the devil’s curse. After all, Xuan Yaodao’s people are one step behind and can’t understand the devil’s curse. The root of the devil’s curse comes from the most extreme emotions, and these emotions are entangled in various demons, which is why this method is called the devil’s curse. At first, the ancestor’s tea was still not fully deduced, but the core of the devil’s curse has been created.
It can be said that Jiao Fei has been the only person in this world who knows the mystery of the great curse of demons since the death of the ancestral god Tea. The Xuanyao Taoist has never been better than Jiao Fei in this respect.
Xuan Yaodao cultivates the great curse of demons, and Jiao Fei naturally knows that he refines his own true spirit and does not pay attention to it. Suddenly, one day, a strange demon has sprung up in the blood river, and there are more than ten long heads with seven sarcoma eyes. It turns out that the demon Dan has been refined. For some reason, it seems that he has never cultivated Taoism. It is because of his natural understanding that he has seen the boat that Xuan Yaodao has transformed, and he is practicing five hundred water snake soldiers and Jiao Fei. Not only is he not afraid to turn to surprise, but he growls and screams and goes to his mind "good blood food."
Two crane boys were about to ride the boat, and the monster Jiao Fei suddenly cleared his voice, raised his hand, designated the boat, and then put his hand on a colorful fairy thunder and flew out into the monster.
This demon was caught in this colorful fairy thunder, and suddenly he couldn’t move. He was all transformed by this fairy thunder, and the consciousness in his mind melted in a flash, but in a moment he turned into a colorful light, and a colorful dragon horse flew into Jiao Fei’s side and suddenly disappeared.
Xuan Yaodao people are suddenly aware of Jiao Feilian’s divination and thunder curse, and the new curse spirit can’t help but get angry and shout, "You always steal my Tao?" Can’t you think about it yourself? "
Jiao Fei bowed his face slightly with a faint smile and respectfully replied, "The younger generation is as good as the Xuan Yao’s predecessors. These three thunder curses Jiao Fei can’t be thoroughly scrutinized. If it weren’t for the blessing of the predecessors, the seven curses would never have achieved ten curses a day."
Xuan diabolical popular way "that you don’t put your own enlightenment also said to me? You tell me the secret of the magic spell, maybe I can deduce 20 words for you. "

It’s a video from Lin Nianlei. Qin Yu waved and motioned for everyone to wait a little and press the answer key.

After a while, Lin Nianlei didn’t appear in the video, but chubby and crisp shouted, "Dad, I miss you …!"
All the unhappiness in my heart vanished at this moment. Qin Yu smiled and looked at her son, "Hehe, what are you doing?"
"Ma Ma is cutting my nails. I … I’m thinking about you … giggle!" I don’t know who I am, but I am very talkative at an early age.
Military conference hall of Shuangxing Building, Newtown, the first district of EU.
After getting up, the representative of the fifth district respectfully said to a general, "General Simone, I implore your naval command to send troops to the old triangle before the media meeting tonight, where the war situation needs you to reverse …"
"Our fleet will depart from Xiadao and arrive at the scheduled place at the specified time." Simone shook hands with each other.
Old triangle area Menghanpu headquarters
Qin Yu, Gu Yanpu, a senior general, and the naval generals of the Seventh District are meeting in the conference room at the moment.
Gu Yan took the lead in saying, "The military department of our headquarters has replied that the military department of the fifth district has turned to the first district of the European Union for help and ceded certain benefits. The two sides have reached an alliance on the military issue in the old triangle. The first district of the European Union controls the Xiadao naval base and will send a fleet to the old triangle before their Zhao Gong media meeting tonight."
When they heard this, their faces turned ugly.
"The naval base in the EU-I area in Xiadao is far away from us, but their fleet will definitely reach the war zone in fifteen days." The naval general in the EU-I area frowned and said, "If the EU-I area wants to take part in the war resolutely, there is no way to fight this battle. Our naval forces can’t touch the two regional fleets."
Everyone is silent.
"I propose to withdraw now and wait for other fighters to appear; Or in 15 days forced beach salt island line not to do it first "seven naval command attitude very directly said" always wait for the situation will be more and more bad for us ".
"What do you think?" Gu yanchong Qin Yu asked
Qin Yu thought about it and replied, "Wait for Lin to enter the field and wait for the fighters made by our department to appear before landing on the island."
"Mr Qin, I’m not refuting your face," said the naval commander of the Seventh District with a frown. "We don’t know what your plan for the independent first division is … and I don’t know where your so-called fighter plane is. Is it too child’s play that hundreds of thousands of troops of the army and navy are waiting here?"
"Are you sure about playing Salt Island now?" Qin yuwen
"I’m really not sure, but if you don’t wait for the EU-1 fleet to enter the war zone, is it possible to reverse the situation?" The naval commander of the Seventh District frowned and replied, "I can say that at present, our naval forces have not defeated the possible layer in the face of the double-team attack of the main fleets of the two regions, and we will not be allowed to fight meaningfully in a situation of no chance of winning."
Pu people didn’t say anything when they heard this, which was regarded as the default speech of the generals of the seven-district naval command.
Qin Yu thought for a long time and put up a finger and said, "Give me another week. If there are no fighters, we will forcibly land on Yandao, and our Sichuan government will be responsible for the main attack."
"A week is a bit too much …!" People in district seven still have to talk.
"I agree with Mr. Qin" Gu Yan did not hesitate to support "we can afford to wait for a week"
Just when the military meeting was full of fire, the troops led by Daya Ou Xiaobin were hiding in Niutoushan and could not move at the moment.
Chapter 193 Qin Lao Heigu Lao Dog tacit understanding
After the meeting had Gu Yan’s strength, the fire of the Allied Forces faded temporarily. Everyone adjusted the agenda of the meeting to discuss how to attack Salt Island if there were no fighters in a week.
half time
When Qin Yu was sitting in the chief lounge smoking, Gu Yan came in wearily and bent down to sit next to him.
After two brothers were silent for a while, Gu Yan ate the fruit and asked bluntly, "Iron juice, do you have a score in your heart?"
Qin Yu shook his head smoking a cigarette.
"Mom, what do you mean by shaking your head? I’m putting my life on you now. Are you telling me that I’m not sure? " Gu Yan urgently scold a way "are you a little pit your dad? !”
"The vanguard troops haven’t come back yet," Qin Yu answered truthfully.
"Then why do you insist?" Gu Yan frown drink asked
Qin Yu turned to look at his face and said very seriously, "Who is the leader? That’s my brother! Or he will die in Niutoushan; Either he will do things until there is no news that they have not been discovered and can hide for so many days to say that things have a chance, otherwise he would have written to me. "
Gu Yan was silent for a long time. "It’s not that I don’t believe Fang, mainly because he is young …"
"Is Daya’s military merit and record worse than those of your teachers?" Qin Yu asked
Gu Yan nodded slowly. "I don’t want to be stubborn with you when you say this."
"Do you have any better ideas now?" Qin Yu stubbed out the cigarette butts logically and clearly, saying, "The first area of the European Union has sent a fleet. The only thing we can change now is to attack the salt island before they arrive. Can we wait here for another week?"
"You have a point."
"Not at all! You wait for Zhou Lin to enter the arena, and our army’s combat capability will also be significantly improved. "Qin Yu said calmly." Instead, it’s a bit reluctant to fight now … The troops are not ready to suddenly ask for a round of fire in Yandao, and the battlefields on both sides of the sea and land will be held off by the other side for less than ten days, so you will have to withdraw, or we will lose a lot when the EU fleet enters the arena. "
"Well," Gu Yan nodded, "I hope you are right and Daya can do a good job."
"I believe him" Qin Yuting replied seriously.
"What’s the situation over there in the iron juice area? You also have a B number of salt islands in your heart. I can’t say anything at all, but if you don’t get such a big loss in the front line, those old men in that area will definitely jump out and eat us." Gu Yan said in a low voice, "By that time … I’m too cheap for you to make trouble and have to be abolished."
"Bullshit where they waste me? After the defeat, the old man returned to Sichuan for a few years and then he was a hero. "Qin Yu looked at Gu Yan and said seriously," But it is still possible that you will be abolished … "
"Draft the big ye you say it’s human words? !” Gu Yan squinted at Qin Yu. "Why are you hard now?"
"… when did I say this? Gu command you not to make our alliance so vulgar. "

Lin Yang is really short of money at the moment. He didn’t pretend to refuse.

No sooner had Lin Yang walked out of the toilet than he met Ma Wenbo who was chased out of the intensive care unit.
Seeing Lin Yang’s back far away, Ma Wenbo couldn’t help shouting, "Sir, don’t go. I have some things I want to ask you …" However, when he approached and saw Lin Yang’s appearance clearly, he was startled and one leng hurriedly apologized, "Oh, I’m sorry, I mistook one for another."
At the moment, Lin Yang has returned to its original state. Compared with the previous one, it is very different in appearance and temperament, making it difficult to associate these two images with the same person.
Ma Wenbo is no exception.
After apologizing, Ma Wenbo started to run and continue to chase it. He brushed his clothes and went deep into hiding as a famous doctor with ancient sages.
I’m afraid he would never have thought that the man he was looking for was actually in front of him.
Looking at Ma Wenbo running away from the back, Lin Yang was secretly pleased when he felt funny. "It seems that this blind art is small and small, but it is very good."
Chen Shiwen led Lin Yang away from the inpatient department into the outpatient building and went straight to an inconspicuous bathroom outside the Chinese medicine department on the fourth floor.
In this bathroom, there is a water heater for people to drink water and a washstand, among other things.
Chapter 17 The first soul make
"This place … rich?" Lin Yang looked around and asked with a puzzled face.
This bathroom doesn’t look like a place with money.
Chen Shiwen explained with a smile, "I liked smoking when I was alive, but my family was very strict. Not only did I not smoke at home, but I also restricted my spending every month. But I also came up with a countermeasure, that is, I would hide my savings in this bathroom. Once I became addicted to smoking, I would sneak over and get some money to buy a pack of cigarettes in the supermarket and canteen near the hospital …"
Speaking of the back, he couldn’t help narrowing his eyes, as if he were recalling the years when he was secretly smoking.
After a moment’s memory, Chen Shiwen shook his head and sighed lightly.
Then he pointed to the washstand and said to Lin Yang, "My private money is hidden in this washstand. Here is the position. This money is completely gone for me, so I will give it to you."
According to Chen Shiwen’s guidance, Lin Yang reached out to the washroom table. After some groping, he finally found a hidden plastic bag and took it out to have a look. There were at least two or three thousand pieces wrapped in it.
This Chen Shiwen is really good at choosing a place to hide private money. Even knowing the place Linyang took a lot of effort to find it. No wonder he has been dead for more than a year. This private money has still not been discovered.
This money is enough to pay for the rest of Lu Wenqi’s hospitalization.
Lin Yang also you’re welcome to put the money into his pocket.
But Lin Yang’s purpose is not only the money, but also to collect Chen Shiwen’s soul.
It was not long before he met Chen Shiwen. Although he helped Chen Shiwen settle a wish, he also took what he needed. He really didn’t know how to say this in such a hurry.
"Why don’t we leave this matter alone today and wait until I come here a few more times to do a good job with Mr. Chen?" Lin Yang thought.
Just as he hesitated, a bright and holy light suddenly appeared in the bathroom and enveloped Chen Shi’s tattoo.
"What is this?"
The sudden change made Lin Yang and Chen Shiwen stunned.
Lin Yang quickly returned to absolute being, and quickly extended the knowledge of God into the jade slips. After consulting a piece of information, he determined the identity of this holy light.
"the light of reincarnation"
After death, the soul will leave the body and fall into reincarnation on the seventh day after death, which is also the reason why people are in the first seven days.
However, there are also ghosts who will stay after seven days without reincarnation.
These ghosts either don’t want to be reincarnated or have unfinished wishes and can’t be reincarnated for the time being.
Generally speaking, ghosts without reincarnation will disappear completely in this world in 7749 days, but if they can find a hiding place, they can extend the time to months, years or even longer.
Now it seems that Chen Shiwen has not been reincarnated for more than a year after his death, which means that his wish has been fulfilled because of his unfulfilled wish.
Is it Chen Shiwen’s wish to cure sweating?
The more Lin Yang thinks about it, the more he thinks about it.
Otherwise, how can there be reincarnation after Wen Xiaoqi has just been cured?
No matter if this sudden appearance of reincarnation light completely disrupted Lin Yang’s step-by-step plan.
Chen Shiwen has seen many times in the more than one year since his death. After a short shock, he quickly calmed down.
"In the past year or so, I often wondered why I would stay in people, especially when I saw many patients who died soon after death, and my confusion became more intense. Now it seems that this is all my unfulfilled wish."
After some regrets, Chen Shiwen bowed deeply to Lin Yang.
"I have to thank you for helping me to settle my wish so that I can go back to life. If there is an afterlife, if I still have some memories of this life, I will definitely repay you."
Then he turned to meet the reincarnation of light.
Seeing this, Lin Yang was suddenly anxious.
It’s hard to meet a ghost, and he’s also skilled in medicine. If you miss it like this, you won’t regret your death.
There is no time to hesitate. Lin Yang quickly shouted "Wait"
Chen Shiwen stopped and turned around with a surprised face and asked, "Why is there anything else?"
"That …"
Although Chen Shiwen was stopped, Lin Yang didn’t know how to say it.
You can’t tell people directly, so why don’t you stop being reincarnated and hang out with me?
Just when I was in such a hurry, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Lin Yang’s head, and I suddenly remembered the sentence that Chen Shiwen said just now, if I still have some memories of this life, I recalled the words that Chen Shiwen felt that he could no longer cure diseases and save lives after his death.
This made him see the hope of Chen Shiwen.

Qin Changfeng wants to go directly to find the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven, but after all, he can’t trust the ability of Vulpix and the wild dog road flyover. Even though he has let the black water Xuan snake secretly sneak to help them, it is estimated that it will be terrible to bargain and exchange hostages with the right giants such as incense burning valley.

Therefore, he finally decided to go there in person, but he will leave after helping to exchange Kyubi no Youko and tian hu.
And before departure, Qin Changfeng had already confessed his Yan Gong identity to Zhang Xiaofan, who accepted it without saying anything after the initial surprise.
After going through the Jade Qing Temple, he didn’t care about the evil spirit.
Now the only thing he cares about is this. He is willing to fight against Big Brother alone.
Even if Qin Changfeng really Yan Gong did something unnatural in this identity, he wouldn’t join at most.
Not to mention Qin Changfeng is not Yan Gong. Although he is the boss of the blood refining hall, he can carefully think about the most outrageous thing he has done, but he just teased the right elite brother and detained Lu Xueqi for a while.
And that’s probably why Lu Xueqi didn’t reveal him.
At this time, Qin Changfeng’s fourth road pattern in the Dantian Gas Sea has already condensed and formed.
He stole Zhu Xian’s sword. One is to get the fifth volume of Heaven as soon as possible and refine the fourth Lei Jie seal.
In the dark, besides the turquoise oil lamp light, there is also a black-and-white Taiji diagram that exudes mysterious clear light and floats quietly in front of Qin Changfeng.
This picture is the fourth thunder seal representing the door force!
However, if Ruo Xu is illusory, it is obvious that he has not completely condensed into a shape
Qin Changfeng, who needed the source power, was also troubled for a long time. He had been going south from the Central Plains for several months, and he was hard to stop by this.
Although Zhu Xianjian is the fifth celestial body and helps Taoist Qingye to understand the complete Taiji Xuanqing Road, its physical strength is actually not pure gate power, but a killing force from suffocation.
Perhaps this transformation method is also a method to help Qin Changfeng condense Lei Yin in the mystery of door inheritance.
If Qi Xin joined forces with many monks in Qingyun Gate, he might be able to help him succeed as Tianyin Temple helped him to condense the seal of Buddha, but … This is obviously unrealistic.
Don’t say that he is not harmonious at Qingyun Gate now. Just a Buddhist brother condensing the seal of the gate will once again set off waves in Tianyin Temple and Qingyun Gate.
And this world really can’t find the power and place of the gate except Qingyun Gate.
At the beginning, even if there was no unexpected chance in the secret land deep in the magic eye, we could still find a way from the four magic doors, but this door seems to have finished the method.
The Qin Changfeng had given up preparing to leave this world before trying to find a way.
However, it may be that when another village was about to give up, it was unexpectedly found that the first epic prop he got, Taiqingyuan Jade, contained the purest source power!
Qin Changfeng has always believed that this jade must be extraordinary because he has always found a way to stimulate its strength.
It is not surprising that it contains the source of the door. The word "too clear" has already said everything.
However, another difficulty after discovery is that … The Jade Department of Taiqing Yuan is not the secret land in the depths of the magic eye, and it will not take the initiative to open the door to let him unblock the resistance and absorb power, which can lead to it bit by bit.
Therefore, the process of setting this robbery seal is much more difficult than that of Vatican Monty Seal, and naturally it is much longer.
However, after more than two months of hard work, it is now close to success. Even the name Qin Changfeng has been known before-Taiqing Road Leijie Seal is called Taiqing Road Seal for short.
In this paper, Yinweineng is not accurate at present, but it is faintly perceptible that it should be with the word "Tai Chi" …
As the "creaking teeth" gave off a decadent smell, the door of the main hall was pushed and masked, and Zhang Xiaofan slowly came in and took a look at the mysterious Tai Chi map. He conveniently re-opened the door. "Eldest brother Vulpix has sent the letter to the incense burning valley, and the other party promised to let us take people to the incense burning valley to exchange hostages later."
Sometimes it takes a long time for a person to change, but sometimes it takes only one night.
Now, although Zhang Xiaofan is not the ghost in the original work, he is by no means the younger brother of Dazhufeng, who is at a good time.
Qin Changfeng doesn’t shy away from him. He whispered, "They want to tell Vulpix to let them come here late at night to exchange."
"Good" changed its name to Ligong Zhang Xiaofan, nodded slightly and was silent. Suddenly, the conversation turned and asked, "Was it you who pretended to be a Taoist Xuanren and stole Qingyun Bao in Gengetsu Cave House that day?"
Bang ~ ~ ~
A strange evil wind blew, and the oil lamp suddenly went out. In the darkness, only Tai Chi pictures were bright enough to illuminate two grim and horrible face masks.
Qin Changfeng’s hands are holding the Tao tactic, and the Taiji diagram flies into the Dantian Hall and falls into darkness completely.
Still silent, but a black Lei Long suddenly appeared in front of a hole in the wall and opened his mouth to spit out a piece of black fog. The original seemingly one-person convenience immediately screamed like peeling cramps …
Chapter three hundred and ninety-one I don’t talk to small roles
"It’s me"
Qin Changfeng gently nodded calmly admit in the dark.
Lei Long, the black monty, flew back to the hole where the magic gas dissipated and broke, revealing a body with bones left by pin erosion. This is obviously following Zhang Xiaofan to follow this spook, but although he hides his tracks, he can’t fool Qin Changfeng after all.
On the other side, I got the answer. Zhang Xiaofan turned a blind eye to all this, but suddenly revealed his mask and smiled. "Big brother is a good actor. At that time, Tao Xuanzhen was very popular. When will you teach me?"
"I will if you want, and you can learn."
Qin Changfeng patted him on the head. Although the slender palm of the hand is not broad, it still has a kind of generosity like a father and a brother.
Cause and effect mystery metaphor
The two brothers smiled at each other, and the original cold atmosphere quickly disintegrated.
"Make cheep …"
At this moment, a little grey-haired monkey climbed out of Zhang Xiaofan’s arms and jumped on his shoulders and stood on tiptoe to learn Qin Changfeng’s sample, which was actually so clawed on his head.

The fire dance asked in turn, "Do you promise people?"

Lu Li said weakly, "A dead old friend."
Fire Dance asked again, "Did you personally promise him this?"
Lu Li denied, "No, she wants me to keep Hongyun House safe."
The dialogue between the two men made the wall red and white, and he was extremely guilty of his attitude and position all the time. Although he always doubted the motive of being apart from his position, he had said everything in this battle.
Seeing that Lu Li is trembling like an old man, he may pour fire and dance at any time. "Are you in such a state as to complete this promise?" What’s more, this promise is still your wishful thinking, and the dead friend may not be able to understand your mind. "
Lu Li shook his head and said indifferently, "Fire Dance Today, if you and I both have one person to fall down."
Fire dancing can’t be said, "I can make you stunned with one blow. Do you want to have a try?"
Lu Li coughed up another mouthful of blood, and the whole person almost fell down and sneered, "Try it!"
Where can the fire dance pity the land?
She is the protector of the Seven-Power Alliance, and will not be disturbed easily. Worse, Suzaku sword is in hand. This sword has great secrets, and even the heart-eating sword is not an enemy. Once again, it provokes the fire dancer and sword to merge into one, and Suzaku casts a lore!
Hong Jun sighed slightly and didn’t want to see it. Even the bodhi old zu in Lishan was uneasy. The blow was too strong, even when he was in his prime, he had to take off a layer of skin to stop it.
The original cohesive killing knife was also shattered when the black hair was annihilated. At this time, his heart-eating sword also responded in the shortest time.
However, the move of separation made everyone exclaim that his sword-wielder threw his heart-eating sword behind him and faced the fire dance with a strong blow. Instead of dodging, he rushed forward without hesitation and rushed to the fire dance. The red rosefinch was going to fight to the death to the end!
Chapter one hundred and sixty-two Hit the fire dance
The momentum of parting from the land and rushing forward condensed into a forward momentum, which condensed its own cultivation strength and turned it into a shattering force and rushed madly!
Fire dance, the whole person’s long hair is flying, and the momentum is like a fire dragon burning the sky. The Suzaku sword broke out into a wave that destroyed everything. Obviously, it is almost impossible to resist with landing and eye repair.
After all, the nine-day spirit has been living in the land for a long time and realized the danger of leaving the land. It woke up and said, "Don’t fight hard, that woman’s sword is sharp and you can’t resist it!"
But at this time, the nine-day spirit is also waking up, and there is no power to help Lu Li, because although it is immortal, its own strength is not poor, and if it is consumed in large quantities, it will need to be supplemented by slow years.
In all people’s surprise, their eyes are still desperately rushed without any hesitation.
Fire dance eyes flashed a trace of doubt because in her view, such a move is almost a death!
The difference between the two men is very wide, and the fire dance broke out with strong momentum. I also dare not ask the big Suzaku sword to infuse the earth power, which is necessary to slay the land.
The sudden change is not only a fire dance at this moment, but also the bodhi old zu Li Shan, Hong Jun and others have their eyes wide open. They have fought for many years and killed a lot, but it is rare to see such a scene.
Two people are about to meet a moment away from the original speed forward body appeared a slight deviation.
But the fire dance sword is not much deviation straight into the land from his body through his chest!
"Lu Li!" Hong Jun exclaimed that the whole person was almost going crazy. At the last moment, he might have a wonderful posture to avoid the blow, but it was not the case.
"Master-"Li Mountain bodhi old zu is also clamoring, but it seems a little late at the moment. The Suzaku sword broke into a strong flame, and Guanghua was like burning the land away from the body in an instant, and it was extinct from then on.
But the same stunned expression also appeared in the beautiful face of the fire dance, because she had already made efforts to miss each other and should have been burned out and died. At this time, Suzaku Sword was attacked by a huge force and crushed in an instant.
The fire dance startled her. This sword should be impartial and directly pierce the centrifugal vein of the land, but the eye position seems to be slightly deviated, and the defense style of the land is different from that of normal people. He is not trying to stop this attack, but relying on this Suzaku sword to penetrate the body and protect his meridian body with all his strength around the Suzaku sword!
However, such defenses can last for a short time, or it is a short instantaneous cause. Once the fire dance is launched again, it will be fatal and will be burned to death.
A terrible thought came to the fire dance’s mind. If she were so far away, she might even get hurt!
"Reverse Gan Kun!"
Lu Li binge drinks a whole person’s eyes, and there is a limit to killing him. His momentum is soaring, and the real yuan is flowing, and the breath is majestic. This secret technique in reversing the Heart Sutra is almost like being reborn. Forty-six floors of the real yuan are crazy, and they will resist the suzaku sword and will burst into fire.
Because the Suzaku sword passed through the land and locked the fire dance in the land, even if she wanted to pull out and retreat for a while, she could pull out the Suzaku sword. She knew that this sword was precious and would never let go easily.
At the same time, the fire dance was caught with both hands moving together, and the fire dance had to look at itself, making the two eyes look at each other!
"Mind and soul kill!"
Lu Li’s mouth is full of drinking, and the thought waves shining in his eyes are swept out at a very high frequency every 500 thousand times and hit the central nervous system of the fire dance brain!
At the same time, the soul tactic was also operated by him in a strange way, and that strange fluctuation was like sky waves, dancing with fire and passing through the body, just like a thing everywhere
"Poof-"Fire Dance has more attack than prevention. At this moment, it failed to stop the double attack from the land. The strong killing thought accompanied by the thought wave made the fire dance brain tremble and a terrible stabbing pain came from the mind. The brain was not lightly hurt, and one mouthful of blood was directly sprayed and spilled on the broken clothes from the land.
At the same time, her body was in a state of confusion, and when she attacked her soul, she felt a shudder. The reversal of the true qi could not control the whole person being attacked by itself. There was a burst of explosion and two huge forces were dancing in the land and in the fire!
A violent explosion occurred from the two men, and the earth trembled a little. This staggered force finally poured on the ground, causing the center to be blown out of a hundred-foot pit and the fire dance. Both of them were rocked and fell away from each other.
The fire dance took the lead, but it was very unstable and shaky. Her head was badly injured, and she was shocked by the bombardment of her hands. Plus, she had a splitting headache and almost lost consciousness with a frequency of 500,000 times per second, not only the blood spilled from her mouth, but also blood dripping from her eyes.
At the same time, she suffered a big shock. At this moment, she must not be out of body experience, otherwise her life will be in danger.
Suffering such a blow makes the fire dance look equally awkward. Not only is the clothes covered with dust, but the conjoined body is also the superposition of injuries. Just now, the repulsive force caused her meridians to be badly injured, so she can’t urge the method too hard.
However, Lu Li’s injuries are more serious, so it’s not as good as fire dancing. The strength of these explosions has caused many broken bones in Lu Li, and the extremely heavy body has been severely damaged due to the reversal of Gankun, and there are not many real elements that can be moved.
But even so, he still insists on the body, although it may fall at any time like a storm, but now he still stands in front of the fire dance!
Fire dance is another mouthful of blood gushing out, and hurriedly cover your chest because the heart pulse is also shocked. She feels chest tightness and qi and blood are not smooth, but she doesn’t see the blood hole in her chest, but she just sees the cold meaning in her eyes.
This cold feeling is a kind of desperate abandonment of all ideas, just as Lu Li said, if you want to break through Hongyun House today, you need to walk through his body.

These buildings are not furnishings.

Every one has its way.
For example, residential buildings are for soldiers to live in. The number of residential buildings affects the number of soldiers in the territory. In addition, there are other special functional buildings such as dungeons and stone temples.
Twenty minutes later.
Lord Stone Temple in Huanggu Town
Three leaders of Lingjian Bureau, team leader
A total of seven people came in, all of whom were here for the first time.
Everyone observes that a stone temple is very large and seems to be a sacrificial place.
I saw a terran stone statue standing in the center, symbolizing the Lord of the deserted town. In addition, there was an altar-shaped building with a lot of spar, ore and other materials piled up in the center of the altar.
Hang Yu, leader of black dragon and Lord of Desert Town.
At the moment, sitting in front of the altar with a serious face, the stone chair faces the seven representatives who came in, while the two deputy leaders of black dragon are around, and their expressions are equally serious
The seven leaders looked at each other.
Hang Yu suddenly called a meeting in the town of barren valley.
It’s hard for them to be confused.
However, the Lord of Hangyu Desert Town is the boss of black dragon, a newly established spiritual organization.
He can say that he has absolute control over the deserted town!
Even an elite team as strong as new york Lingjian Bureau had to be awed by this spiritual leader. Everyone came immediately after receiving the notice.
Diana Joe saw Hangyu’s serious expression and couldn’t help asking, "Boss Hang, what’s the urgent matter you called us to explain?"
very good
Everyone is here.
Hang Yu nodded and said, "Talking about confession is just communication. Everyone’s interests are closely related at this meeting … Well, you should have heard about the ambassador of Shaquan City, right?"
Chris said, "Of course, Shaquan City is the territory of the Grand Lord. I heard that this powerful spiritual Lord has already paid attention to us? Angel also just walk less than half a day. "
Luke looked at the altar and said, "These materials are not meant to be dedicated to Shaquan City, are they?"
Hang Yu nodded. "It’s true that Shaquan Town in Barren Valley is affiliated. If we refuse to serve Shaquan Town, what consequences will Barren Valley Town face? I don’t think everyone present will be wrong."
A leader with a hot personality immediately swore, "Damn, these indigenous people in the spiritual world have exploited our human heads!"
Another calm leader said, "This is the rule of the spiritual world. Laws are just like taxes in the real world. Unless we have the strength to overturn the rules, it is wise to abide by the rules honestly!"
Several team leaders nodded.
Luke frowned at the leader’s representative.
It’s impossible for black dragon’s family to leave the suspected deserted valley town to offer Shaquan City.
Other forces also depend on the deserted town to eat, and Hangyu gave them many hunting grounds and resource fields.
Hang Yu definitely wants everyone to share the resource pressure at this meeting, not the amount of sharing.
To tell you the truth, after Hangyu won the battle, the resources needed to be paid in Desert Town are not too much. It is necessary to work hard and rely on the site of Desert Town to scrape together this resource.
Besides, Terran resource channels can be more than deserted valley town.
Behind new york Lingjian Bureau is the whole new york, and it is not difficult for others to raise these spar resources through their own secular resources channels.
But I’m so unwilling!
After all, the Terran will certainly continue to expand.
To expand Shaquan City, there must be a war.
Hang Yu said at this time, "I am now responsible for telling everyone that once the desert town fights in Shaquan City, it will be leveled by our family in one round!"
The scale of desert valley town is too small!
Where is Shaquan City?
The somebody else is the big lords territory!
Twenty or so small territories are served all the year round!
The strength of Shaquan City is unimaginable for Terrans!
Highlord wants to decide to take the knife from Desert Valley Town. At present, everyone’s strength is just like a native tile dog!
Hang Yu said, "The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss the development strategy of students."
All eyes were on him.
Hang Yu went on to say, "first of all, we should pay the resources. Now we still have to pay the share, which will be shared by everyone in proportion. Do you have any objection?"
That’s it!
The situation is better than people!
Black dragon will definitely pay 50% of this resource.
The other 50% is shared behind each team, but the pressure is not particularly great.
The time is not yet ripe
Low-key development first, keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile.
Don’t offend shaquan city into crisis and fall short!
Zhao came out at this time and announced, "Even if the high lords won’t notice us for the time being, we can’t take it lightly because we have received news that several domain lords near Barren Valley Town are eyeing up Barren Valley Town and they are likely to invade Barren Valley Town Exhibition at the same time!
Therefore, our situation is not optimistic. It is urgent to upgrade the strength of the deserted valley town, and the most effective way to upgrade the strength is to speed up the building of soldiers. There are too few soldiers in the spiritual world, less than 300, which is far from forming an effective defense!
Now we must invest resources as soon as possible, build troops and strive for the shortest possible time … I have calculated that the production rate of troops in deserted valley town is about 150 every day. We hope to see the full strength of troops in deserted valley town in about ten days! "
Ten days? !